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Our Mission

The mission of Victory Women of Vision is to encourage, empower, and nurture immigrant and refugee families to thrive by embracing their cultural heritage as they build their new lives.


Our Vision

Immigrant and refugee families are engaged, self-empowered, and strengthened to advocate for themselves and their communities as they achieve their aspirations for success.



Youth Program

•    Since 2019, 117 New American high school students have participated in our Cross-cultural leadership and Leadership beyond boundaries programs.
•    30 students have received driver’s education training.
•    70 youths have participated in summer camp programs or other enrichment programs such as our Photography and Narrative class funded by NH State Council for the Arts.
•    All our students are immigrants or refugees coming from Burundi, Rwanda, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Sudan, South Sudan, Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda, Morocco, Egypt, Dominican Republic, and San Salvador.
•    77 Middle school students have participated in our empowerment program since 2020. Most middle school students came from, Rwanda, Congo DRC, Burundi, Honduras, Dominican Republic, and Bosnia.

Young Adult Program

•    Since 2020, VWV has served over 50 young adult women and men in different leadership and empowerment programs and courses such as Men’s Leadership, Young Women to Lead Change.
•    24 Young adults received Information Technology Certification training through partnership between VWV and the National Collaboration for Digital Equity.

Elder Program

•    Since our Elder program started in 2016, 120 New American elders have received assistance from VWV case managers.
•    Services include assistance with applications for Medicaid and Medicare applications, government assistance (SNAP (food stamps), housing assistance, welfare benefits, TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families)). Clients are also assisted in applying for help with utility bills, rent and food assistance.
•    Partnering with the Mary Gale Fund, VWV has assisted 60 elders obtaining one-time purchases such as beds, mattresses, winter coats and boots etc.
•    Since 2016 “Knitting Sisters” has provided a weekly social outlet for 10-20 elders to gather and do charity knitting
•    Elders have donated hundreds of hats, scarves and mittens to local schools, head start, homeless shelters, and school children.
•    In partnership with NH Department of Health and Human Services, 10 elders participate in a Tai Chi class for fall prevention.

Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Program

•    With grant funding from NH Department of Justice and Federal Violence Against Women (VAWA) funding for culturally appropriate advocacy, VWV has helped 45 women and men to become survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, and human trafficking.
•    Our survivors came from different countries such as Congo DRC, Rwanda, Burundi, Dominican Republic, Bahamas, Sudan, Tanzania, and Uganda.

Social Services

•    Since 2020, VWV has assisted over 200 additional New Americans (not included in programs noted above) with obtaining various social services. This has included applying for TANF (food stamps), housing assistance, utility assistance, referrals for immigration assistance, helping with job applications, referrals to legal assistance, interpretation and translation services, and other governmental and social service applications. VWV has also helped clients negotiate with landlords to avoid eviction.

Community Impact

•    VWV staff are all New Americans with multiple connections in the community. We pride ourselves in providing services to New Americans from all over the world without consideration for country of origin. This approach has brought together ethnic and cultural groups who might have been adversaries in the past.
•    Every year VWV organizes multiple events and social gatherings in which we bring together all communities from the greater Manchester region to share our different cultures, food, dance, and music. These events include International Mothers’ Day, International Women’s Day, International Day of the Girl, Congolese Independence Day and multiple youth showcase events.


Our History

Mary Ngwanda Georges
Founder and CEO / Victory Women of Vision

Mary Georges was born in Fatundu, a small town in province of Bandundu, Democratic Republic of Congo in Africa. She was Raised in the city of Bandundu in a family of six children and with both parents, her father was a farmer where he spent most of his time cultivating for the family. After earning her high school diploma and attended nursing school, she started her career as a Nurse for the national Athletic Center in Kinshasa Capital of DRC.  

She came to the USA in 1990, After working for a dry cleaner business company she quit to start her own cleaning business then went back to college to study Advance English.
Her dedication and desire to help her community led her to obtain a bachelor’s degree in Human Services and a master’s in organizational management and Leadership from Springfield College MA. She is a mother of four children one boy and three girls. 
She founded Victory Women of Vision (VWV) in 2003 and has been its inspiration and backbone since that time. The Organization focused to encourage and empower immigrants/refugees’ families to be self-sustaining.  In addition to her work with VWV She is an activist, the founder and past president of the Congolese Community of New Hampshire as well as the Executive director of Women and Youth Services for the Congolese Commission of the US. In Manchester NH. She has been actively involved in her community as a minister as well as the first, African American Immigrant woman official elected to the Manchester school Board Committee ward 3 also as a Selectman Ward 3 , she recently got elected as the President of the Community Congolese of  the United the States .

Mary has extensive experience in advocacy on women’s and children’s rights, particularly in the African community. She always speaks on violence against women and advocates for a fair education for the minority children’s living in the USA for a better future and opportunity. She is a motivational speaker who loves to encourage and empower the immigrant and refugee community to have a successful life in America. 

She always has her heart to go back in Congo to create a leadership program that will empower the youth and women to be successful leaders who will bring change and a better future to  her country.

Board Members

Our Board Members 


Margaret has worked as a leadership and management consultant for a variety of UN agencies, including UNHCR. Margaret is presently finishing an internship for her MA in psychology and trauma studies.

 Elizabeth Clardy “Dr. Besty”, Vice Board Chair

Betsy has been collecting yarn and needles from New Hampshire crafters who are excited to make donations to Knitting Sisters. When she is not working with Knitting Sisters she practices at Concord Family Medicine in Concord, New Hampshire.

 Shirley Tomlison, Board member 

 Shirley is the Current Community Engagement & Outreach Specialist Office of Health Equity and Former Program Director at The Boys & Girls Club of Manchester. She helps to bring forth great opportunities for youth. She has been an advocate for the community from a very young age.

Nathalie Ahyi-Amendah, Board member

Niva Muchuma, Board Member

Clinical Social Worker, Mental Health Center of Greater Manchester

Patrick Mokuba, Board Member, Treasurer

Marie Mulroy, Board member 


Staff information coming soon.

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Victory Women of Vision


50 Bridge Street, Suite 203

Manchester NH 03101


Cell (603)264-7083

Office (603)623-8968


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